Grants from the Thayer Lindsley Endowment Trust Fund (2008)

Earth Sciences Canada (IYPE) Legacy Website
John Boyd, IYPE Canada
Developing International (DIG) Conference 2009
Elizabeth Sonnenburg, Anthropology MacMaster University
GroundWORK: PDAC Mining Matters Educator Newsletters
Lisa DiVeto, PDAC
‘Coal Age Galapagos’: The Story of the Joggins Fossil Cliffs
John H. Calder, Nova Scotia DNR
Tebbutt Memorial Devonian Reef Display Upgrade
Richard Green, Canmore Museum

Grants from the Jérôme H. Remick III Endowment Trust Fund (2008)

Victoria Earthquake Education Week
Jane Wynne, EdGeo
Rebuilt in Stone. Geology and the Stone Buildings of Saint John, New Brunswick
Randall Miller, New Brunswick Museum
Introduction to Geoscience Teachers Workshop
Adrian Park / Dave Lentz, EdGeo Atlantic
Youth Forum Field Camps…
Heather Robinson, Science Council Manitoba
Geology of Ontario interactive exhibit and educational programs
Audrey Dugas, Science North
Karen Dawe / Brian Pratt, GAC
GAC Special Paper 48: “Dynamics of Epeiric Seas”
GeoText 6: Facies Models: The Next Generation
Karen Dawe, GAC
GAC Miscellaneous Publication #7: Ottawa’s Building and Monument Stones
Karen Dawe, GAC
Student-to-Student Outreach Program for Geoscience Careers
Toby Stier, Queen’s
Excursions géologiques: quelques merveilles québécoises à découvrir!
Michel Lamothe, GEOTOP