The GAC Endowment Trust Fund
The GAC Endowment Trust Fund is part of the Canadian Geological Foundation (CGF). It is established with monies donated by the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) and from voluntary contributions by GAC members and others. Grants to qualifying projects will be made from revenue earned by the Trust Fund’s capital amount, which is to remain intact. The GAC Endowment Trust Fund is administered by the CGF Board of Directors and has an arms-length relationship to GAC.
Main Objects
The GAC Endowment Trust Fund is established to support and promote earth sciences in Canada on a continuing basis, and in particular, to assist with the public and professional educational activities that are normally supported by the GAC. The Trust Fund, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, will receive and maintain funds in trust and annually distribute the income therefrom, and such other amounts as required by law, specifically to provide:
1. Grants for the professional development of Canadian geoscientists –
- short courses, symposia, and field trips at the GAC annual meeting
- GAC publications
- NUNA conferences
- lecture tours sponsored by GAC
2. Grants to facilitate public awareness of Earth science in Canada –
- projects of the Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN)
- EdGEO workshops for teachers
- lecture tours sponsored by CGEN and GAC
3. Grants to support the education of Canadian geoscience students –
- GAC Student Chapter field trips
- GAC scholarships
- Mary-Claire Ward Geoscience Award
1. The Grant Selection Committee for the GAC Endowment Trust Fund is a committee of the CGF. The President of the GAC nominates the committee members, for approval by the CGF Board of Directors.
2. The Grant Selection Committee consists of four persons, and where possible they shall be GAC members. One of them is the Chairperson (or designate) of the GAC Finance Committee. The other three include the President (or designate) of the Canadian Geoscience Education Network, a representative at large, and a member of the CGF. The CGF member of the Grant Selection Committee shall be the ex officio Chair of the Committee.
3. Applications for grants covered by the main objects of the Trust Fund are submitted to the CGF Secretary by March 31. The Secretary forwards copies of these applications to the four members of the GAC Endowment Trust Fund Grant Selection Committee. The Chair convenes a meeting of the Committee in early May to decide which grant applications to recommend for support, and by what amounts.
4. The Grant Selection Committee, through its Chairperson, makes its granting recommendations to the CGF Board of Directors, at the annual meeting of the Board, which is normally held in late May. Based on these recommendations, and assuming compliance with the CGF Letters Patent and these guidelines, the Board will normally approve a formal motion to disburse the requisite funds from the GAC Endowment Trust Fund.